Tuesday, 5 April 2011

resolved dialogue script

After looking at how genre could affect a script we then tried to revolve our scripts.
Here is the revolved final version on my script.

paul: Yalright mate?
Taxi: Yeh where you going pal?
Paiul: just round the corner, duck street, you knoe it?
Taxi: Yeh yeh cheers..

…awkward silence…

Taxi: So hows It going? You ok?
Paul: Yeh…
Taxi: you had a good day?
Paul: yeh…
Taxi: …so what you been up to?
Paul: Look, im not really in the mood to talk, ok?
Taxi: ah, sorry… ok.

Paul: sorry I didn’t mean to yell. Its just not been a very good day.
Taxi: ahhh its fine, don’t worry about it.

Taxi: so whats up with you then?
Paul: I really shouldn’t say..
Taxi: hmmm.. alright then.  Well if somethings bothe..
(paul interrupts)
Paul: well, if you must know, I witnessed something the other day, its been messing with my head since.
Taxi: witness something? Like a robbery or a… murder?

I never finished my script, i just didnt feel like it was going anywhere and struggled with writing in dialogue. Really didn’t enjoy doing script writing, I just didn’t feel that I could be creative enough and that my stories where going anywhere interesting, definitely to practice this some more.

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