Monday, 4 April 2011

free writing

As soon as we arrived into our first lesson of creative we were given the task of 'free writing', basically non stop writing without even giving yourself time to think for about, even though it felt like a couple of hours, a few minutes.

These were the rules of 'free writing'...

1. Start immediately I give you the starting idea/phrase.
2. Don't think!
3. Keep writing, even if you think it's utter drivel.
4. Do not stop writing.
5. Do not lift your pen from the paper.
6. Do not edit.
7. Write faster than you normally would.
8. Don't worry about sentance structure, syntax, grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.
9. Keep writing!
10. Don't think.
11. Don't edit.
12. Keep writing!
13. When I say stop, finish that thought (even though you are not thinking!) and then take a minute to quickly put in some punctuation that will help you read it out fairly fluently.
14. Do NOT edit- just add a few commas and fullstops.

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