Tuesday, 5 April 2011

ideas for my own written piece

For my written outcome of my elective i had planned on writing a series of weird short stories, similar to the ones by Stanley Donwood. Stanley Donwood is the artistic mind behind all of radioheads artwork and merchandise, designing every album cover artwork and basically everything since the first album. Being a massive radiohead fan i first heard these stories when they were included within a promotional film for the album 'In rainbows' the film was called 'scotch mist' where they played each song from the album live broken up with artistic montages and cuts between songs, where these stories were included. Since hearing them a couple of years ago i have pretty much become obsessed by them, the way stanley donwood is able to describe a locations so poetically and perfectly in a way you would never expect to hear making it sound as if this story was going somewhere however just ends with a blunt strange often humorous ending. The best example of this is within the story 'Midsummers day in the graveyard', the story is only short mainly consisting of beautiful descriptions of his surrounding, really painting the image in your head of where he was and what is going on, however just ends with, 'and i wasn't their for very long before i thought, that i should leave.'
Here are the stories which were included within the radiohead film narrated by Ric Jerrom;

Their are tons of these stories on his website, http://www.slowlydownward.com/irony.html
each just weid and poetic but funny in a strange way, here are a few of my favourites.

I hope to write a series of my own stories based on those of stanley donwood.

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