Some more free writing, this time we were given the opening paragraph/passage to our story and had to continue writing. By now i dont think my head could cope with doing more writing, and i think it shows in what i actually wrote, i really struggled coming up with concepts and ideas to write about, it didnt help that my story yet again was to be based on a pigeon.
The opening passage i was given was, 'The pigeon entered a squat grey building of only thirty-four stories. Over the main entrance the words, central London Hatchery and conditioning centre, and, in a shield, the world state's motto, community, identity, stability.'' (not knowing this at the time but this is actually the opening to Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.)
We were then asked to continue the storie as if you was the animal, me being a pigeon, none stop free writing for 20 minutes without any planning, just writing down what ever comes into your head. This is what i wrote;
The pigeon entered a squat grey building of only thirty-four stories. Over the main entrance the words, central London Hatchery and conditioning centre, and, in a shield, the world state's motto, community, identity, stability. My life is here for the next few days, this is what i will call my home, my grey, lonely, dark home. Nothing happens in my life these days, just move from place to place looking for little scraps of to eat off the pavement and shitting on people. I live alone not one friend in the world, sometimes i see other pigeons about on the streets out in groups, bopping their heads as they walk around aimlessly with their friends. However they never talk to me, never even acknowledge me, just ignore, look right through me like i am some freak. Looking out from the 34th floor all i can see is groups of people laughing, having a good time together, whereas i am always alone, it breaks my little pigeon heart.
The flickering lights from the lamposts match the flickering of my eyelids as a try to sleep, i cannot sleep though, the cold block of concrete against my feet combines with the powerful cold breeze makes it ever so difficult to drift away. Suddenly another pigeon lands on the building, maybe a friend? However it just seems that he fails to even see me stood beside him as he flies off again searching for another place to sleep, and yet again i am left alone...
It was at this point that we went for a break and were given an opportunity to come back and add a twist to our stories, putting in something to completely change the direction in which the story was going, a challenge that the main character has to over come. Here is my story continued with some more free wrting;
...Their was only the sound of the strong west wind in that place, lonely as always, but then suddenly, "CAW! CAW!". The deathaning screams of the evil powerful eagle, my worst fear was almost about to be faced before me. I stand their still, trying to hold back the trembling of my fearful feet, trying to just keep quiet, not breathing, just stiffened with fear. I see the eagle circling around scanning his surroundings for something to eat, im just praying to myself that he doesnt see me. Relief flows through my beak as i see the eagle almost turn around and begin to fly away; however almost as quickly as i begin to get my breath back, he turns, his eyes focus directly on mine like the skilled aim of an army sniper. Their is nothing that i can do as he flies towards me, no escape, im blocked within the prison of my own little home on the 34th floor.
I really didnt know where i was going with this story, i really struggled with this one. Maybe it was because it was coming up to the end of the day and my mind was just blank but i just couldnt come up with any ideas in my head. Again i tried to write more poetically using more descriptive writing to really paint the picture within the readers head, however i dont feel i was very successful this time round, maybe it was trying to wright from the perspective of an animal, but i just really did not enjoy this task. Very glad i didnt have to read this piece of writing out to the class.
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