Tuesday, 5 April 2011

business - creating dialogue

 We did some more free writing now for 10 minutes, however this time writing in dialogue, we was given a scenario by another member of the class and asked to fit dialogue around it.

                  A TAXI DRIVER PICKING A PASSANGER UP, the passenger being the character Paul from the previous exercise.

paul: Yalright mate?
Taxi: Yeh where you going pal?
Paiul: just round the corner, duck street, you knoe it?
Taxi: Yeh yeh cheers..

…awkward silence…

Taxi: So hows It going? You ok?
Paul: Yeh…
Taxi: you had a good day?
Paul: yeh…
Taxi: …so what you been up to?
Paul: Look, im not really in the mood to talk, ok?
Taxi: ah, sorry… ok.

Paul: sorry I didn’t mean to yell. Its just not been a very good day.
Taxi: ahhh its fine, don’t worry about it.

Taxi: so whats up with you then?
Paul: I really shouldn’t say..
Taxi: hmmm.. alright then.
Paul: well, if you really must know, which you wont want to, I witness something the other day, its been playing on my mind ever since.
Taxi: witnessed something? Like a robbery, a murder?
Paul: sigh… yes
Taxi: well which one?
Paul: look were almost here now, just pretend I never said anything, ok?
Taxi: but… mate, this sounds quite serious
Paul: look, if I could just get out here that would be great, I really shouldn’t be telling you this, I can walk the rest of the way, thanks.

DIALOGUE – I really didn’t enjoy writing dialogue, it just never seemed to go anywhere, at least not anywhere interesting, your not about to describe things and write about your surroundings, you just have to write out boring everyday conversations, maybe it is something I can work on, try to improve my skills.

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